Friday, October 28, 2011

Room 21 Hip Hop Jump Jam

We love doing our fitness every morning. It gets our body and brain ready for the day ahead. Room 21 usually does 1 or 2 songs but today we decided to do all six songs. Here is video of some of the Room 21 students moving and grooving to the song Stop, Drop and Roll. We are getting really good at the moves.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rugby World Cup Winners!

Welcome back to school! We are very excited for the start of Term 4. It will be a busy term with lots of things happening. We are extremely proud to say that the All Blacks won the Rugby World Cup 2011 in a tough game with France. It was very tense but we are so proud of everyone who worked really hard to make it happen.
Room 21 made another wordle using words to show our feelings about it. We think it's amazing and we are very proud to be World Cup Winners.

Wordle: All Blacks World Cup Winners!